Giovannie Espiritu – Ultra Feminist

Giovannie Espiritu’s “Ultra Feminist” is an Anthem for the New Age Feminist Movement

In the ever-evolving landscape of music and activism, Giovannie Espiritu’s latest release, “Ultra Feminist,” emerges as a potent manifesto for modern-day feminism. Available on Spotify, this track pulls no punches, blending raw emotion with unapologetic lyricism to deliver a sonic experience that is both powerful and provocative.

From the opening lines, Espiritu sets the tone with a chant-like repetition of “Yeah boy call me Ultra Feminist,” instantly drawing listeners into her world. The beat is infectious, a pulsating backdrop that underscores her assertive vocals and impassioned delivery. Espiritu’s voice, rich with a blend of defiance and vulnerability, commands attention as she navigates through a landscape rife with misogyny and patriarchal constraints.

The song’s lyrical content is where “Ultra Feminist” truly shines. Espiritu’s words are a stark reflection of her personal and political identity—a bisexual, once-undocumented immigrant Filipina mom with a history as harrowing as it is inspiring. Lines like “I’m an optimist surrounded by narcissists / But I don’t want to live my life like this” and “This world’s full of misogynists / Telling me who I can love or be with” speak to her lived experiences and the broader societal issues she aims to dismantle. The reference to the Persephone myth cleverly ties ancient narratives of female oppression to contemporary struggles, highlighting the persistent nature of gender-based injustice.

Espiritu doesn’t shy away from addressing the crude realities faced by women, as evidenced in the biting “Chauvinists shout ‘Show us your tits’ / No matter what it is you accomplish.” This line, among others, showcases her ability to confront and critique the pervasive sexism that women endure, often trivialized or ignored. Her frustration is palpable, and it’s this raw honesty that makes the song resonate deeply.

Musically, “Ultra Feminist” is a masterclass in blending genres. The production is sleek yet gritty, with a driving beat that propels the song forward. It’s easy to imagine this track becoming an anthem at protests and rallies, its energy infectious and its message clear. The chorus, with its repetitive and rallying cry, is designed to stick in your mind long after the song has ended, much like the feminist ideals it promotes.

Espiritu’s background in filmmaking and acting adds another layer to her music. Her first short film, also titled “Ultra-Feminist,” won an honorable mention at Outfest, and her subsequent works have garnered numerous accolades for their bold storytelling and social commentary. This multidisciplinary approach enriches her music, making it not just a listening experience but a call to action.

“Ultra Feminist” is more than just a song; it’s a statement, a rallying cry, and a testament to Giovannie Espiritu’s prowess as an artist and activist. It’s a track that challenges the status quo, demands attention, and inspires change. As Espiritu continues to break hearts wide open and create moments of joy, she proves that her voice—fierce, loud, and unapologetically feminist—is one that needs to be heard.


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